Seminars Archive

Wed 20 May, at 14:00 - Seminar Room T2

Web Authoring Tips for the word processing professionals, the scientist and engineer, the computer professional, and the one above

Roberto Pugliese
Sincrotrone Trieste

The take up on the use of the web has been phenomenal. We are witnessing and taking part in a communications revolution unparalleled in human history. As I am writing these lines I am awed by the thought that as soon as I press the "SAVE" button on the screen the contents of this page can, if I want to, be accessible to any web user around the globe! Instantly! An activity that would normally be the preserve of academics and the privileged few, the "data rich", is now the play thing of school children, parish priests and supermarket assistants. This seminar focuses on the magic aspect of web authoring. The "how they do it" rather than the "who needs it and for what". Like all magic, it`s easy, if you know the secret. This web page will take you through the ABC of web authoring in easy small steps. You will do the rest.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21