Seminars Archive

Mon 7 Aug, at 11:00 - 53 room

TMB meeting

TMB Meeting Agenda: Participants: Roberto Pugliese (RP), Tatiana Kalganova, Steve McGough (SM), Marko Krznaric, Gaetano Maron, Shlomit Pinter, Luca Caviglione - Integration meeting - Demo selection - Status of the release plan (not discussed) - Software quality process (not discussed) Minutes: Integration meeting will be held in Athens, on 5th and 6th of september 2006. Goal of the meeting is to check that all the components required by the demos which will be presented at the mid term review and even before (EGEE-2) integrate succesfully. RP described the email about Elettra demo sent to the gridcc-general list on Aug. 4th. In order to have an effective demo we need at lease the following components: WfMS, IE, CE (cream), SE (storm). In the demo we do not need advanced reservation but we need a way to display graphically the orbit, a way to show graphically the status of the workflow running. From the workflow point of view we do not have a way to show the status which allows to track the workflow steps. SM propose to have a VCR web service ws-i compliant dedicated to display graphically this information beacause actually the ActiveBPEL is a sort of blackbox. RP will check this possibility. ActiveBPEL needs a WS-I compliant version of the IE facade which is planned for the end of August. GM say that in case WP3 cannot provide a complete facade WS-I compliant there will be a subset able to cover the calls required by the demo. RP hopes this is only a backup solution because having 2 Facades in the lon run can create troubles. RP will circulate a set of basic IE calls required by the demo. This call will be used by Marko to prepare a workflow and by Gaetano to check WS-I compliance. RP asks the status of the integration testbed (CE, SE, ...). SM says that nothing was done in this direction and now there is not enough manpower to do this which means that we ahve to setup a testbed for the demo. Legnaro has a a cream CE. CNAF should provide a storm SE. Elettra will check the possibility to installa a storm SE too. There is an additional milestone on Aug 23rd where we need to know the addresses of all the servers which will be part of the demo testbed (WfMS, IE, CE, SE, CA, IS).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21