Seminars Archive

Thu 1 Dec, at 10:00 - Seminar Room T2

Spin-transport on interface Rashba-states at ferromagnetic/insulators interfaces

Henri Jaffres
CNRS, Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales PALAISEAU CEDEX

Spin-orbit interations in bulk heavy metals or at Rashba interfaces and Topological Insulators are at the origin of intringuing physical phenomena like spin Hall effects (SHE) or Inverse Edelstein Effects (IEE) leading to bulk and surface spin-to-charge conversion and vice versa. On the ground of a very recent litterature, I will first present our main latest experimental investigations and models related to the SHE occurring in 3d transition ferromagnets/Pt hevy metals and 3d/Au:W systems combining spin-pumping spin-current injection and Inverse SHE detection of the charge current created. In particular, I will show how the spin-Hall Angle (SHA) can be tuned efficiently via the W content (0:25%) by the side-jump mechanism on an impurity model. In a second part, I will discuss the spin-to-charge conversion at the interface of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Oxide Rashba electron gas and Fe/Ge(111) Rashba systems mediated by both the linear and cubic Rashba (111 direction) interactions and scaled by the IEE length. In these experiments, the spin-pumping mechanism in the ferromagnetic resonance regime (FMR) allows spin-current injection along the perpendicular direction whereas the necessary spin-orbit field allows its efficient conversion to a lateral charge current. We will discuss the different possible mechanism leading to such spin-to-charge conversion.

(Referer: G. Panaccione)
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 15:21