Sincro Share

File services at Elettra 

When you need to share data with other colleagues inside the Elettra network we recommend to use the central file server for general purposes called "SINCRO-SHARE".

On SINCRO-SHARE there is a Public Share accessible by anybody, regardless using a Mac, a PC or a Unix/Linux box. Furthermore, aPrivate Share is available for those people who need to limit what "others" can do to his/her data (e.g.: a group with true private data, not readable by anybody else, or one person who is the only one allowed to create or modify files that anybody can read -- but not change). If you need such a Private Area, please contact .

For security reasons, access is permitted ONLY TO THE COMPUTERS IN THE ELETTRA NETWORK, not from the outside.

Please read the following instructions to correcly use this service.

"Public" share policy

Please pay attention that the Public Share is intended for temporary use only. It will be automatically cleaned up every first Monday of every month, at 7:00am. If you need to keep your files from month to month, remember to make a copy of them onto your computer at the end of every month.

Protocols to access the file server

The file server is normally accessible via Sharing SMB: Usually referred to as "Windows Networking" protocol

Different kind of users: domain vs workgroup

You are using a domain user profile (e.g.: SINCRONET\, or for Windows 2000 or above) if its credentials are maintained by the Information Technology group in the SINCRONET Microsoft Domain. In simpler words, if you have an account on a SINCRO-* machine. 
This is needed to be able to use a Private share.

You are a "workgroup" user if your user profile is not present on one of our servers.

Ultima modifica il Martedì, 17 Novembre 2020 12:00